The Oxford Journal of Science & Research
Topics: Physical Science / Chemical Science / Life Science

Journal Policy

Policy statement:
Unveil information’s about the latest discovery, trends and techniques in the international dimension of science towards modern scientific community maintaining the ethics of intellectual property.

Scope and Objectives:
This multidisciplinary journal invites original research contributions dealing with modern development in the field of chemical, physical and biological science.
Endeavoring ambit opportunity for young Indian scientists to step inside the international domain of modern science. 
Committed to share information’s about the recent developments in the diversified field of science acknowledging ethical values.

Regulations and Implementation:

  • Editorial group is solely responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal shall be published after verification of legal requirements like copyright infringement and plagiarism. 
  • Articles that have been published shall remain exact and unaltered as far as is possible.
  • In an extremely limited number of cases, it may be necessary to remove an article from the online database where the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes others’ legal rights, or the subject of a court order or where the article, might pose a serious health risk.
  • . There will be a publishing agreement between the author and  the journal which deals with the transfer or license of the copyright to Journal. However, authors retain significant rights to use and share their own published articles.  
  •  Journal is committed to data privacy and security practices.
  • The Journal publishes 1 issue per year on 5 th June of each year.
  • As standards evolve and change, we will revisit the policy and welcome the input of scholarly and library communities.


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